With the long summer already underway, the idea of setting up a sketchgroup came along.
Share your sketches, comment on others, follow their progress, join the competitions and have a great time!
If you want an invite, just contact me with your email amd I'll send one - Erik

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Why pick sides when the true conflict is within...?

Saw the new theme tonight and wanted to take part before I left for Ireland tomorrow.
It's late so I kinda had to speed through this sketch, but the idea's there. Shame I couldn't convey more narrative/perspective/background. Drawing hands from memory by raising them up and down = oh dear... :]. Needs more flames/birds referencing...

Ah well... least it's a double spread - sketchbook takes a critical hit!

Have a good week everyone!

How about 'Anthropomorphisation' as a theme for next week Erik? 'Weird and Geeky''s all good :)

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